Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Learn a New Language

Being multi-lingual is a huge asset these days because of cultural communication barriers. Here are some language-learning tips.
Step 1
Buy a textbook that teaches the language. This is a rather old-fashioned way of learning a new language, but its still effective if you are disciplined enough to learn it.
Step 2
Try a computer program that teaches the language, like Rosetta Stone. This is a great interactive program that will speed up your learning process. Though it can be pricey, its money well spent if you are committed to learning the language.
Step 3
Try to surround yourself with people that are fluent in the language. This will help you pick up on the language and learn some of the common slang used by people who speak the language naturally.
Step 4
Quiz yourself daily. Try to remember certain terms in the other language and test your memory of them. If you are constantly thinking in another language, you will learn it quickly.

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